AFP > AFP Trademark Usage

AFP Trademark Usage
AFP Trademark Usage

AFP Collective Mark

FPAT has the ownership of the AFP and its trademarks in Taiwan.

FPAT guides the development of the AFP professional qualification certification standards in Taiwan and requires those who have obtained the AFP professional qualification certification to abide by strict professional ethics and practical standards of professional competence when using the AFP trademark and providing consumer financial planning services. Therefore, once they obtained the AFP professional certification, the AFP professionals will be authorized to use the following two logos in Taiwan -AFP and its trademarks.

For FPAT and all members of FPAT, the AFP trademark represents professional certification and services. If the AFP trademark is used improperly, consumers will not be able to identify and measure the profession of financial planning consultants through the AFP certification mark. Therefore, each professionals and members of FPAT who have obtained the AFP certification should use the AFP trademark appropriately.

Those who have been authorized by FPAT or have obtained the AFP professional certification can use the AFP trademark in Taiwan. If the AFP trademark is used without formal authorization, FPAT reserves the right to take legal actions against any improper use of the AFP trademark in Taiwan.

AFP Trademark Usage Examples

  1. Those who have obtained the authorization of FPAT to use the AFP trademark can add the word or graphic trademark of “AFP” to their name or title on their business cards. In the event of any conflict with the above principles, the regulations of the affiliated service organization shall prevail. However, the pattern, font and color of the AFP trademark cannot be changed, while the size of the pattern can be adjusted according to the regulations of the affiliated service organization.
  2. The trademark is in blue background with characters in white. If it is printed in black and white, it will be in black background with characters in white.
  3. If one needs to use the AFP logo on other documents, please adjust the size according to the fixed ratio of the AFP logo.
  4. The AFP word mark shall not be presented separately, nor any change in font or addition of other symbols is allowed, such as A-FP, A.F.P., A-F-P, Afp, or afp.